Colour work

C7E2AF2F 8612 478D 8D16 68B1FFC07E2F7C591571 44D9 4A0F BE3F A62FB8063764983B4A6B 8B7B 458A 8530 95ECDBCD68F4A99C9500 3D44 486E 9533 017C510FB5A790883DBA C631 4075 ABAA 9E258E5A67DEB2B8C3DF 5EBC 4D2A B356 CB56D98B0D12D5873456 BD5C 49DB 8F9E 4619F2D07E2126631DE0 1F37 4B89 ACA7 E39E6F7F6F01F46F4EC1 3EBA 47F3 BFBD C8987A3283EED34DA95F 9F77 4947 AA41 67186661EFAA54CEF6B8 6A3D 4F63 B0EC 8183A1DC97F28664A24C A68D 4671 B48C ED6A4E705FA20B4BD18E D8CF 43CA 9DDD C8823DD89ACE12C70E35 721A 4D0C 9921 7207FE2733CBColour melt

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