About Us

Welcome to Upstairs Downstairs Barber Shop, a family-run business nestled in the heart of Waterlooville. With over 45 years of experience, we are proud to continue our legacy of providing exceptional grooming services to our community.

Our story began decades ago, when our salon first opened its doors to serve the people of Waterlooville. Over the years, we have built a reputation for excellence, earning the trust and loyalty of our clients through our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Now, we are excited to expand our services with the opening of Upstairs Downstairs Barber Shop. Located upstairs from our existing salon, our barber shop offers a modern and inviting space where men can enjoy expert grooming services in a relaxed and friendly environment.

At Upstairs Downstairs Barber Shop, our mission is simple: to provide top-notch grooming services that leave our clients looking and feeling their best. Whether you're in need of a classic haircut, a clean shave, or a stylish beard trim, our skilled barbers are here to cater to your needs with precision and care.

As a family-run business, we value integrity, professionalism, and community. We take pride in our work and treat every client like a member of our own family. Our team is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of service and ensuring that every visit to Upstairs Downstairs Barber Shop is a positive and memorable experience.

Join us at Upstairs Downstairs Barber Shop and discover the difference of expert grooming services in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Book your appointment today and let us help you look and feel your best.

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  • 16 September 2024 8:33 pm local time

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